Rozbudowa wirówek
Upgrading your separators can increase capacity and save energy. Alfa Laval offers separator upgrades across all industries, such as these for the starch and ethanol industries:
Starch industry
- Capacity Booster – Owners of Merco 36 separators can increase capacity by up to 33% and save up to 25% on electricity bills by upgrading to a new rotor assembly with E-25 nozzle.
- Energy Saver – Owners of Merco 30 and 36 separators with Alfa Laval forged rotor bowl and hub assemblies can save up to 25% on electricity bills by upgrading the rotor assembly and replacing the existing nozzle with a new E-25 nozzle.
Alfa Laval Merco H36 and H36B upgrade options
Ethanol industry
- Capacity booster – Owners of FESX 512 separators can upgrade them to FESX 712 specifications for increased capacity and greater energy savings. The upgrade involves complete dismantling to reform and reconfigure the bowl, replace the upper structure and worn parts, and repaint the machine.
Alfa Laval high speed separator upgrade boosts capacity at Brazilian sugar refinery
Other industries
To raise the overall performance of your processes, Alfa Laval Service can conduct an audit of your separators and recommend actions that can enhance productivity, increase capacity and save energy.
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